Tons of Experience…
- Extensive knowledge of PFMA and Treasury regulations.
- Involved in Public sector audits since 2004 either through joint audit assignments and secondments as well as Contracted out to perform audits on behalf of the Auditor General of South Africa
Arshad Tayob:
- Served articles with a small firm and gained overall experience
- Involved in audits ranging from SME’s to companies like ACSA and Jo’burg Metro whilst a partner at A B D & T
- Employed at KPMG in their Corporate Finance & Tax departments, specialised in Corporate tax, Capital Gains Tax, Mergers & Acquisition Tax, Valuations & Deal structuring
- Since leaving KPMG in November 2003 – have built up a client portfolio which includes the Auditor General of South Africa
Mission Statement…
- We strive to provide efficient, expert and impartial professional value-added services
- This will be achieved by our commitment to identify, meet & exceed our client’s expectations by providing a cost-effective, efficient & personal service
- Job creation to previously disadvantaged individuals
Audit methodology
- FAITZ’s audit methodology is to at all times conduct the audit work in accordance with the International Auditing Standards and further comply with the professional standards as set out in the Code of Ethics.
- Thorough understanding of the business, its processes and the risks that it faces.
We have acquired an in-depth industry expertise, thanks to the partnership approach with our clients
On behalf of the Auditor General of South Africa
- Unemployment Insurance Fund
- Sector Education & Training Authorities (SETA’s)
- Department of Science & Technology
- Independent Complaints Directorate
- Department of Correctional Services
- The Financial & Fiscal Commission
- Co-operative Banks Development Agency
- Invest North West
- Financial Intelligence Centre
Private Companies & Section 21 Companies
Major Clients:
- The Loerie Awards (Sec 21 Company)
- Dynamic Recovery Services (Pty) Ltd
- Credence Security (Pty) Ltd
- Psybergate (Pty) Ltd
- Discount Fashion (Pty) Ltd
- EASY DIY (Pty) Ltd
- Brits Bag Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd
- International Bag Buyers (Pty) Ltd
Our Contact Details…
- Tel: (011) 646 4125
- Fax: (011) 646 4355
- E-mail: atayob@tsgtax.co.za
- Physical Address: 21 Ashford Road, Parkwood Johannesburg, 2193
The Team
Our helpful team is structured as follows…
Arshadalli Ismail Tayob | CA(SA) HDip Tax Law | Director
Qiniselani Mathebula | BCom,Hons. BCompt | Senior Manager
Abdul Sattar Sulaman | BCompt | Senior Manager
Mohammed Limbada | PGDip Applied Accounting Sciences (AASC)/(Hons) | Audit Supervisor
Katlego Tladi | BCom (Eco) | Supervisor
Bridgette Mpofu | Administrator
Debra Dlomo | Administrator & Payroll
Sasha Naidoo | Receptionist & Administrator
Denver Govender
Aadil Choonara
Shamila Osman
Muneerah Khan
Alfred Khembo
Trainee Accountants
Unathi Mabeta
Kwanele Shabalala
Matete Legodi
Kiasha Dhanpall
Zibusiso Nsimba
Thomas Mohlala
Fatima Ayob